Saturday, June 6, 2009

Book List

Even though Bridget is not my first child, I have been managing to read while I nurse her most of the time lately. :) The way I work it in is that I get all the house stuff/school stuff done when Bridget is awake so that I can spend time with Andrew and Laura whenever she is napping. While she's sleeping we do the reading of longer books and jumping on the trampoline-basically all the things that she would have no patience for. I also try to include Andrew and Laura in the housework so they're getting attention while I'm doing that. Laura is a big fan of doing laundry these days. Then I feel like I can justify reading something of my own whenever I'm nursing Bridget. I will admit that nursing sessions have gotten a little longer since I have been doing this.
Anyway, here is my reading list for the summer:
Surprised by Joy by CS Lewis (I'm about 2/3 of the way done)
The Everlasting Man by GK Chesterton
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development by Carl B. Boyer
Plus a couple of novels and a book I'm reading with a women's study group
We'll see what I actually get accomplished on my list.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Christina, you'll have to let me know how The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development is. I've been dying to read it, but thought it may be a little heavy for a beach read!! Haha! Laura and Ben will have a fantastic time doing laundry together when we are home in August. He was out of that phase for a few weeks and then I brought home Dreft for Ella's stuff and now he is excited about the "pink tide". It's nice to hear some tips on how to deal with more than one child!